Monday, August 1, 2011

Any Promotion Is Good Promotion Right?

49 days, 2 hours, 42 minutes, 16 seconds, that's how long we have until the 2011-2012 Television Season begins. Hello and welcome to the blog from Television Addict Christina Jovanna. Before I begin i want to introduce myself. I attend Texas State University and pursing a career in Mass Communication-Electronic Media. From the age of eleven I've been passionate about television. Recently this past summer i took one of my core media class and took an interest in writing and blogging. And what better way than to start than by blogging about this television season. With that being said, welcome.

This week is a special week for all television critics out there because it is the 2011 Television Critics Associated press tour. Here hundreds of television and entertainment journalists gather to hear what the networks will bring for the upcoming season.
At the TCA's its the Networks time to shine, promoting there shows, grabbing the attention from critics as well as viewers. It also the time to promote upcoming pilots that will make there debut in our living rooms. As a devoted viewer, promotion, in my opinion, is what grabs the audience attention and is crucial for any network. Now that most of the cast from major shows are back at work filming and producing content for September, August is a month where the promotion shines.

We took a poll in my programming class about what makes a show successful. Yes of course ratings are an important factor as well as awards and an outstanding cast, but what some of us were missing in our list of answers was promotion. I have to admit i look forward to a 15 second promo during a football game then sometimes the actual game (even though i do love football).

For a show runner whose pilot is going to air in less then a month, promotion is what they live for. But does it really make a difference for the viewer? Here's my question, what makes YOU want to watch a show? Does promotion really do good for the network, exec producers, viewers?  Is too much promotion  really that good for the people?

The key for making a connection with your audience through your promo campaigns is timing, visual effects and music. If you find the right techniques then you will make an audience impact. While sometimes i do get a little bored with the same promos airing over and over, i feel that sooner or later i will watch the show which is what the networks want. Maybe promotion isn't that bad after all. So while your sitting on your couch and a promo comes on, think its only the network saying to you, "We want you to come aboard this September, will you?"

I leave you with one of my favorite promo campaigns from the 2008 Fall Season. This was aired the last week of August on ABC Network: ABC 2008 Fall Promo  What a way to anticipate September. Until next time folks!
-Christina Jovanna

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